How-To Set Up Email in Outlook 2003 Print

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In a new series of "How-To"s, we will provide instructions for setting up email accounts in various mail programs. While utilizing the Kyvon webmail is convenient from locations other than your office, using a mail client (such as Outlook) is sufficient for both organizing and maintaining your e-mail. The first in this series is a tutorial for setting up an e-mail account in Outlook 2003. A short video version of this tutorial is available after the instructions, below. This tutorial will show you how to create an email account in Outlook 2003.

  1. In the main navigation toolbar select Tools->Email Accounts.
  2. Select Add a New E-Mail Account in the E-Mail Accounts window. Hit Next.
  3. Typically, you will be creating a POP3 account. In the Server Type window, select POP3. Hit Next.
  4. In the Internet E-Mail Settings (POP3) Window, enter your name as you would like it to appear in your outgoing mail.
  5. Now, enter your email address in the box below your name.
  6. Check your Welcome email for what to enter for your incoming (POP3) mail server. Typically, it will be, of course replacing with your own domain. Enter this information in the Incoming Mail Server (POP3) box.
  7. If outgoing email is provided in your hosting account, set your SMTP to, of course replacing with your actual domain name. If you are using your ISP for outgoing mail, enter something like Check with them for the proper setting. Enter this information in the Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) box.
  8. Enter your username and email password. Typically, your username will be your entire email address. However, some servers are configured to require only the account name. Check your Welcome email for details. Enter this information in the applicable boxes within the Internet E-Mail Settings (POP3) window. When complete, hit More Settings.
  9. In the Internet E-Mail Settings (More Settings) window, enter the name of your email account. It can be anything you like.
  10. Select the Outgoing Server tab. Your server will likely require authentication for processing outgoing mail. Again, check your Welcome email. Check the box if it is required.
  11. Select the Connection tab. Ensure that you select the internet connection that you will be using.
  12. Hit OK to close the More Settings window. Hit Next in the E-Mail accounts window, then Finish to complete the process.
  13. Guess what? You're done. To make sure everything works, try sending yourself an email.

How to Add Email Account in Outlook 2003

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